

When flying with the P5 on any platform you need to consider the minimum shutter speed for that lens and altitude combination. Below you will find a rough guide and a more in depth calculator to ensure that you have the correct shutter speed to give the optimal results.


When calculating the minimum shutter speed needed we want to ensure there is no blur however still allow as much light in as possible to allow for a lower ISO if possible. This is why a correct calculation of the minimum shutter speed is essential in giving the best possible results. Even more so on overcast days.

In the examples below we are assuming the following:

  • The aircraft is moving max 18m per second
  • You want to achieve blur less than 1 pixel


Basic Guide

Lens / Altitude60m90m120m



Advance Calculator

Below you can put in your specific flight parameters and calculate your needed shutter speed.

Please do not go below 1/1600th of a second as shake from the UAV may cause blur on lower shutterspeeds.